Parenta Training Achieves Excellence In IAG by Matrix Standard Accreditation

Parenta’s Commitment To High-Quality IAG: Achieving The Matrix Standard

Speaking from Parenta’s HQ in Maidstone, Kent CEO Allan Presland said; “What a great start to our 25th Anniversary year. Our commitment to Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) is reflected in its thoroughness, accuracy, and relevance to each of our learner’s unique needs and circumstances. The delivery of this guidance is done with clarity and accessibility, considering the learner’s level of understanding and cultural background. I take immense pride in acknowledging that the Parenta team diligently assists our learners in making well-informed decisions about their education, training, and career paths, offering unconditional support to help them achieve their goals.”

Key CIC points from the matrix assessor included acknowledging that training delivery is getting back to normal following COVID-19, how tutors support learners to understand the extra commitment required to attain a distinction for their apprenticeship, from the very beginning of their programme, and feedback from staff, learners, and employers all demonstrate an increase in positive ratings for the organisation.

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